One of the emerging beauty and fashion creators from Jajpur, Odisha, is...
In the vibrant city of Rourkela, Odisha, a new force has emerged in fashion and...
Introducing Tanistha Panda, an emerging talent in the comedy scene of Odisha,...
In the realm of social media, a captivating star is emerging from the...
In Odisha’s diverse and culturally rich state, a captivating figure has...
In the vibrant world of comedy content creation, Odisha, a state in eastern...
In the vibrant world of comedy, where laughter reigns supreme, Odisha boasts a...
Meet Priyanka Satpathy from Smart City Bhubaneswar is Odisha’s ultimate...
Odisha, a state located in eastern India, is known for its rich cultural...
Influencer marketing has become one of the most popular forms of advertising in...