Delivery Boy movie is based on the true story of a delivery boy in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Directed by “Aswin Tripathy,” this movie depicts the struggles of a delivery boy who tries to deliver products on time. Starring Sailendra Samantaray and Suryamayee Mohapatra in the lead roles, it is doing a tremendous job at the box office.
Sailendra Samantaray acts as a delivery boy in this film. The movie tells the struggles of a young boy who works as a delivery boy. He and his friend are working as a food delivery boy. One day, his friend gets into an accident while he rushes to deliver food on time. The lead actor also gets into some problems with his love life. But he has to fight for his friend and try to get justice for him. He has no money to hire a lawyer, but his love helps him get a lawyer. Budhhaditya Mohanty, a versatile actor in the Ollywood Film Industry, plays the lawyer. Suryamayee Mohapatra is a lawyer in this movie for the opposing party. The lawyers fight in court. Will his friend get justice in the end? Will he win or lose to the opposing party? Will he also be able to solve the problems of his love life?
Watch the trailer of Delivery Boy
You will get to enjoy every song in the Delivery Boy Movie because Baidyanath Dash delivers playful and heart-touching music. Nabs and Saroj, as always, take over the Background Music. They are so talented. Sailendra Samantaray has potential in acting, and he has done hard work for the Delivery Boy Movie. The story is inspired by true events which occurred in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The storytelling and plots are on point and succeed in delivering real thoughts in this movie.
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Grab your coat on this winter night and your tickets and enjoy the movie with your friends as the film is about the friendship of two young men.
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