In the vibrant world of comedy, where laughter reigns supreme, Odisha boasts a...
Meet Priyanka Satpathy from Smart City Bhubaneswar is Odisha’s ultimate...
Odisha, a state located in eastern India, is known for its rich cultural...
MO Bus service is listed for the UN’s prestigious public service...
Cinemas are the reflection of society and are undergoing several changes....
DAMaN- A movie to be remembered! Why? Well, this movie is a game changer for...
There are issues within each human being who must face living a happy and...
We all use debit cards to buy products or withdraw money from ATMs. Once you...
Shabash Mithu is a biopic on the life of the former Cricket star Mithali Raj...
The couple married for 19 years in Bhubaneswar committed suicide over a family...